Overseas Corporations
The Chinese subsidiary have established sales offices in each region and carries out marketing that matches regional characteristics to provide products and services matching its customers. It continues to launch and renew its products to meet the diverse needs of Chinese consumers, fostering the hit products ChangKwanJang. It also carries out activities including but not limited to traditional channels such as Chinese medicine and over the counter pharmaceuticals by entering new distribution channels such as online and high-end markets.
- 2019 Awarded by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (KOTRA; December)
- 2021 Won the Fast Growth Award (Kyung Dong e-commerce platform)
- 2021 Launched "Honggyo" (Red Ginseng) brand and rolled out relevant products through strategic collaboration with Dong E E Jiao
- 2021 Selected as an excellent health product company with authentic products by a Chinese daily newspaper
Established a local production base in China that provides specialized local products and services to Chinese consumers for the development and manufacturing of various products made with the know-how of JUNG KWAN JANG that goes back 120 years.
Since the establishment of a Taiwan branch in 2003 and a full subsidiary in 2009, we have been expanding our overseas business to achieve both the “global comprehensive health company” and more healthy lives for Taiwanese consumers. To secure localized future growth engines, we are developing a Chinese medicine brand mall, store franchise business, and expanding the online mall for market segmentation to promote business unit expansion.
The US Korean Red Ginseng Corporation is expanding through its affiliate businesses by using the various online and offline channels that include Amazon, Costco, and Natural Market. We continuously strive to go beyond JUNG KWAN JANG’s global No.1 ginseng brand to achieve the title as the worldwide comprehensive health company.
- 2009 Established US corporation (from overseas branch office into a corporation)
Our Japanese subsidiary is securing future growth engines by actively fostering online platforms such as company-owned and consignment online malls. Our understanding of Japanese local business new channel businesses (drug stores, home shopping) allows us to show our potential in on- and offline channels through business collaboration with a variety of companies.
- 2011 Received plaque of appreciation from Ministry of Defense related to earthquake and tsunami in Tohoku
- 2017 Received Monde Selection* Silver Award (*Quality assessment agency founded in Brussels, Belgium)